Stay Wyld

Mission of Stay Wyld

Welcome to Stay Wyld, where the untamed spirit of the wild woman finds its sanctuary. Nestled in the heart of Western Montana, Stay Wyld is more than a retreat—it's an immersive journey into the transformative power of nature, self-discovery, and community.

At Stay Wyld, we invite women to embark on a unique adventure, embracing the outdoors as a canvas for discovering your wild woman. Whitewater rafting down roaring rivers, scaling rugged cliffs in exhilarating rock climbing escapades, and hiking into the wilderness to reconnect with the primal essence within.

Our retreats go beyond the adrenaline rush, delving into the realms of inner exploration. Through somatic breathwork, yoga, group discussions, journaling, and meditation, we guide you to still your mind, encouraging deep introspection. It's about confronting fears, pushing personal limits, and discovering the wellspring of determination and strength that lies within.

Stay Wyld is more than just an outdoor experience; it's a community of like-minded women seeking to grow, heal, and stand boldly in their truth. Amidst the vast wilderness, we create a space for genuine connections to blossom, supporting one another on this journey of self-discovery.

We believe in the power of healing, in breaking free from old patterns and traumas. Stay Wyld empowers you to embrace your strengths, stepping into your bigness. It's a place where you can find your voice, follow your heart, and chase your dreams with a new sense of confidence. 

Join us at Stay Wyld and let the wilderness be your guide on the path to empowerment, healing, and embracing the wild woman within. Together, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, honesty, and growth, surrounded by the breathtaking landscapes of Western Montana.

Sisterhood Support

What does it look like to feel supported while processing old wounds and traumas? What does it mean to feel a sense of belonging? What does it feel like to be held by other women?

At Stay Wyld, one of the most important aspects of creating a safe container for healing is a establishing a sense of community, without judgement, where we feel belonging. As women, we come together to support and be supported. We desire to be heard. We desire to be seen. We desire to be held on our healing journey. We are enough. We are not alone. We are in this together.

Women supporting women


Experience your wyld in the wild